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Parents as partners

‘Research tells us that regardless of the quality of settings, the most important predictor of children’s future outcomes is the quality of the home learning environment.’ Birth to 5 Matters 2021.

It is our aim to develop a respectful partnership with parents/carers to develop ways in which we can support learning both at home and in the setting. We believe that parent/carers are a child’s first educator and will be best placed to inform us about their child. Using this information we can begin preparing the learning environment for each child, building on what we know about them and the information that parents share with us. We encourage parents to continue sharing information with us at different points of the school year so that we stay informed about what is important to each child.

At North Islington Nursery School, we encourage regular opportunities for parents/carers to join in with their child’s learning. We ask for parents to provide information on All About Me sheets each term which helps staff begin thinking about enhancements for continuous provision. We also share our knowledge of children with their parents though our use of profile books. More formal feedback is given termly where staff meet with parents and talk in depth about the progress that their child is making.

Linked to children’s interests and fascinations and also to seasons and celebrations, parents often come into school to read, cook, sing and share knowledge with children. Our social events which take place after school and on weekends ensure that parents explore new learning opportunities with their children. Each year we hold International Evening where we celebrate food, music and dance from around the world.

Adults attending make food traditional to their home country and children spend the time also cooking and preparing food from different countries and traditions.

Fun Friday’s are held each month and offer the opportunity for parents to come into school and play and learn alongside their children. We often theme these sessions around the seasons/celebrations or the content is related to an area of development that parents want to understand more about. For example, each October our Fun Friday is held to encourage parents with their children to prepare our gardens for the winter. This will involve preparing the vegetable garden, planting bulbs and also making full use of nature by creating art work with fallen leaves and pine cones etc.